Skuilings vir Diere

Skuilings vir Diere


Size: 320mm x 455mm
SKU: C60-A Categories: , ,


Full colour wall chart / poster depicting sixteen different animal homes with a picture of each home, their name and which animal lives there, in Afrikaans ” Skuilings vir Diere “. This chart also depicts four different places that can be home to many different animals.
  • bird: nest  ” voel : nes “
  • dog: kennel  ” hond : hok “
  • bat: cave  ” vlermuis : grot “
  • pig: pigsty  ” vark : hok “
  • spider: web  ” spinnekop : web “
  • bear: den  ” beer : leplek “
  • cattle: barn  ” vee : skuur “
  • sheep: pen  ” skaap : kraal “
  • horse: stables/paddock  ” perd : stal “
  • bee: hive  ” by : korf “
  • chicken: coop  ” hoender : hok “
  • ant: anthill   ” mier : miershoop “
  • water home  ” water “
  • tree homes  ” bome “
  • desert homes  ” woestyn “
  • bush homes  ” bosse “