Test your Brain Power Book 3

Test your Brain Power Book 3


Assessments in this book cover mathematical concepts of:
  • Addition
  • Finding the difference,
  • Subtraction,
  • Grouping,
  • Sharing,
  • Halving and doubling.

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SKU: 9781869261344 Category:


The tasks found in this book is based on the Department of Education’s Assessment requirements for each term. They, therefore, can be used to assess the learners’ ability throughout the year. The tests are designed to give learners the opportunity to use their own unique deductive powers to work out the answers. At first the learner may require manipulatives such as counters, blocks, beans, buttons and beads etc. to work out the answers. As they progress they may start using drawings and diagrams instead of the above aids. Educators and parents should encouraged students to use a wipe-off board or slate.
  • A space is provided within the book for them to start recording their drawings (work-out method).
  • The last problem on each page is an exercise in adding on or counting backwards which helps with number agility.
  • The tests are designed to develop Logical Thinking so the numbers are kept to a range which the students can handle. Having understood the logical methods to work out these problems, the learners should then be able to apply these methods to larger numbers.
  • Test your Brain Power is designed to enable the child to do a test every week of the school year (excluding holidays) and the degree of difficulty is graded in such a way that the tests increases in difficulty as the year progresses.
  • It is a good idea to allow the learners to share and discuss the different methods used.
The author of this book has really tried to make these tests fun, challenging and exciting for the students, in order to “Test and develop their brain-power”